(32 words)
I am so sleepy. I want to go to bed, but I have to do my homework. I must finish this blog tomorrow. So, I cannot sleep now. Do you finish it?
Cat and Dog
This cat was picked up. He was crying in the garden of my house, so my mother kept him. He is very spoiled child. He looks so cute. They are my family!
(111 words)
Kotatsu cat
This is my cat. He is like a human. He often stay in Kotatsu (charcoal brazier in a floor well), but he get out only his face when he gets hot. He is such a cute. He is so fat. His weight is more than 6.5 kg. His stomach is hanging, his face is round. He always eats food. He often cadges me a food. He has to do diet as soon as possible.
(74 words)
Plain Bread Cat
This is such a interesting photo. It looks like "Shokupan-man (plain bread man)". This character is very famous in Japan. You must see him once.
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Chiristmas Carols
Have you ever read this book? This book is very famous Christmas story. The author is Charles John Huffam Dickens. He is famous author. This story is masterpiece of his work. He wrote a lot of story. For example, Oliver Twist, Great Expectations, Little Dorrit and do on. Recently, I had read this story in my class. Nasty old man is main character in this story. He was always cold to others. One day, he saw ghost of his friend. His friend advised this old man to do good things. This ghost was not doing the good things when he lives, so he is very regret now. After the ghost have gone, three ghosts were appeared front of him. He was surprised at first. Three ghosts are Christmas’s ghost. First ghost is past Christmas ghost, second is the current Christmas ghost and third ghost is future Christmas ghost. This old man changed after met these ghosts. There is a wonder power in Christmas. If you have not ever read this story, you should this story next Christmas Day.
(179 words)
Good Song
Do you know this song? This singer is Ketsumeishi, which is Japanese group. This song is very painful. This group sing a lot of good song. You should try it!
(30 words)
I am doing my homework. I have a lot of homework. This is one of them. I could get credit if I can't finish write 15000 words in my blog. I am doing very hard. Other homework is report. I have three reports. There is very difficult to finish all of them. I have to do the English Central. I am very nervous. Report is analysis of the book. This book is very thick. I cannot read it for a week. It is impossible. The other report is comparison of two books. I have to read these books in five days. I want credit. So I have to do hard. I slept four hours yesterday. I did the homework in the midnight. I want to come a spring holiday. In a spring holiday, I will go to New Year's party with friends of the Department.
(145 words)
Lady Gaga!
Do you know Lady Gaga? She is very popular around the world. I like her. Her fashion is very iindividual, but her song is such a nice! My favorite her song is "Born This Way". This song is very good lyrics. I heard her song as "Poker Face" at first time. It was a big hit in the world. "Born This Way" is her typical song now. Have you ever heard this song? I will tell you what my favorite lyrics!
"I'm beautiful in my way. Cause God makes no mistakes"
"I'm on the right track, baby, I was Born This Way"
"Don't hide yourself in regret. Just love yourself and you're set."
"No matter gay, straight or bi, lesbian, transgendered life"
"You're black, white, beige, chola, descent
You're Lebanese, you're orient
Whether life's disabilities
Left you outcast, bullied or teased
Rejoice and love yourself today
Cause baby, you were Born This Way. "
This is one of her song; Born This W. Her song makes me happy and gives me energy. This song means about you do not have to care our appearance, social position, who do you like, discrimination and so on. You should love yourself. You have a right to be happy. If you have not heard this song, you should hear it!
(216 words)
I went to Fukuoka with my boyfriend December 10th. It was held the joint company information session, so my boyfriend has to go there. I went with him. We went by a car, he drove all of them. We went to without highway, so it took about three hours. Briefing session was held in Yahoo dome. We did not know how to go to the Yahoo dome. I checked Navigation. People were very rough driving in Fukuoka. We thought we were dying. We do not want to go Fukuoka by a car again. While he went to the briefing session, I went shopping in the Hawks town. I bought some clothes. There were a lot of people; they were job-hunting students. It was very cloud with people in McDonald's. I could not move. I want to Tenjin, because I want to eat Motsu-Nabe. But we were very tired, so we went back Kumamoto. Next time, I want to go there by bus or bullet train.
(165 words)
Aso Shrine
I went to the Aso shrine with my boyfriend. We went at 6:00 am. It was so cold. I had got a cold, I often cough. He really worried me. There are some people in Aso shrine. We washed our hand and prayed. I prayed some things. After we pray, we picked up the paper fortune. My fortune was "Syoukiti" (means a little luck). His fortune was "Suekiti" (means a very little fortune). We tie it tree. After then, we wrote wooden plaque together. We wrote last year, so we were second time to write. Aso was very cold, there was a frost and gravel was frozen. So I got a heavy cold in our way. We would go to yatsushiro, but I have to go beck my home because heavy cold. After I came back home, I slept well. It was snow outside.
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Year-End Party of TV station
I went to the year-end party of TV station. It was taken in December 13th. I went Kumamoto downtown by bus. I met with my friend before it is start. We went to the tavern. There were 10 people. I talked with senior and friends. It was very fun. A person with AD of TV station spoke me about interesting story. I had drunk so much. I got drunk. I went after-party, too. I talked with younger than me. He is the person of firm character. He is AD, too. I had drunk again, so I was dead drunk so much. I can't walk and vomit. So, senior piggyback me and took me home. I had slept until 5:00 am. When the part-time job, senior concerned me. How kind they are! I want to next it.
(136 words)
Year-end Party of Max Valu
I went to year-end party of Max Valu. It is my part-time job's place. I send everyone to e-mail, we held to the party at 12: 30 in December 28th. I went with my friend by bicycle in two-seater. Before it is start, we drink a cup of alcohol together. We got "Marusyou". There were about 10 people. We talked various things. Iwasaki is my friend; she put in my beer red pepper, lemon and vinegar when I went to toilet. She is very naughty girl. Seven people are the same age as me. So, it was very interesting. After we had gone from "Marusyou", we went to the Joyful. I drank and ate chocolate cake. I talked with other people, but I was such a sleepy, so I was sleep. It was closed the party, I went home with my friend. At last, I came back home at 5:00 am. I slept until noon.
(155 words)
Hair cut
I like short hair, so I was cut my hair. Before, the length of my hair was until shoulder. But I cut my hair boldly. I would decide to grow my hair out. Because I think I want to dress up my hair for Coming of Age. Coming of Age had come last Sunday. Everyone dress up. They were very beautiful and so cute. I was dressing Kimono at 6:00 am. I woke up at 4:00 am and make up, so I was very sleepy. Hairdresser made my hair so cute. We had done meeting so much. After finish the Coming of Age ceremony, I went to the beauty salon for cut my hair. So, I am very short hair now.
(121 words)
BR02-13: The Litle Mermaid

Andersen. H. C. (2005). The Little Mermaid. Usborn. London.
(111 words)
book review
BR02-12: Stories of Robots

Punter, Russell. (2007). Stories of Robot. Usborn. London.
(103 words)
book review
BR02-11: The Fablous Story of Fashion
Who knows what fashion tomorrow will bring? (p. 59)

Daynes. Katie. (2006). The Fabulous Story of Fashion. Usborn. London.
(338 words)
book review
BR02-10: Stories of Dragons
"Take it! Just go away and leave us alone!" (p. 20)

Rawson, Christpher. (2003). Stories of Dragons. Usborn. London.
(110 words)
book review
BR02-9: The Frog Prince
"I 'm so sorry." And she bent down and kissed him. (p. 42)
Do you like flog? I do not hate flog, but many people say it is disgusting. This story made the brothers Grimm. They wrote a lot of story. Do you know Rapunzel? This story was written by the brothers Grimm. Their masterpiece is Hansel and Gretel, Little Red Riding Hood, Town Musicians of Bremen, Snow princess, The Golden Goose and so on. This story is very popular about the Grimm Fairy Tales. This book is story of flog prince. This flog is such a cute. This flog helped the princess Poppy. This flog let her, but she got angry. She shouted to this flog, picked him up and threw him out of her window. The flog lay down on the ground. The princess Poppy did not want to kill him. She raced down the stairs, and approached to him. She said, " I did not mean to hurt you, I am so sorry." She is such a kind girl. She kissed him, surprisingly, this flog changed a handsome young prince. She was surprised. A wicked witch cast an evil spell on him. He could only become human again if a princess kissed him, so he could change human. They married at last. I think this princess Poppy is very kind and beautiful girl. If you were this princess, can you kiss him?
The brothers Grimm. (2005). The Flog Prince. Usborn. London.

The brothers Grimm. (2005). The Flog Prince. Usborn. London.
(235 words)
book review
BR02-8: Jack and the Beanstalk
This story is famous in the world. I read this book in Japanese when I was a child. Jack is hero in this story. He was given some magic beans by a old man. Next day, these beans became a big beanstalk. He climbed it. He reached at the fluffy cloud. There is a giant man. Jack brought back a hen. This hen bear the golden egg, so Jack became rich. I want this hen and am rich. If there is a big beanstalk, what will you do? I will I climb the beanstalk, but a little scare.
Daynes, Katie. (2006). Jack and the Beanstalk. Usborn. London.
(113 words)
book review
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