"I 'm so sorry." And she bent down and kissed him. (p. 42)
Do you like flog? I do not hate flog, but many people say it is disgusting. This story made the brothers Grimm. They wrote a lot of story. Do you know Rapunzel? This story was written by the brothers Grimm. Their masterpiece is Hansel and Gretel, Little Red Riding Hood, Town Musicians of Bremen, Snow princess, The Golden Goose and so on. This story is very popular about the Grimm Fairy Tales. This book is story of flog prince. This flog is such a cute. This flog helped the princess Poppy. This flog let her, but she got angry. She shouted to this flog, picked him up and threw him out of her window. The flog lay down on the ground. The princess Poppy did not want to kill him. She raced down the stairs, and approached to him. She said, " I did not mean to hurt you, I am so sorry." She is such a kind girl. She kissed him, surprisingly, this flog changed a handsome young prince. She was surprised. A wicked witch cast an evil spell on him. He could only become human again if a princess kissed him, so he could change human. They married at last. I think this princess Poppy is very kind and beautiful girl. If you were this princess, can you kiss him? The brothers Grimm. (2005). The Flog Prince. Usborn. London.
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