"The witch said only the kindest girl in the kingdom could break the spell." (p. 16)
This story is made up of three parts. First part is the kind girl's story. Heroine is Flora, she live in a cottage of a forest. She was lost way and reached the castle. People were frozen by witch's spell. This story looks like the Snow White. This story's keyword is "kiss". Second story is a Cinderella story. Sally is a servant, but she married the prince of the kingdom. The focus point of this story was the other princess's hair ornament. There is so funy and stupid. Third story is castel's story. The castel was musty and dusty and let in the rain, so the king and queen decided to build a now castle. They held a contest of the castle, but they could not find a good castle. These three story are happy end. This book's picture is so cute.
(148 words)
Laster, Anna. (2007). Stories of Fairytale Castles. London. Usborn
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